A perfect day to celebrate one of the most beautiful relationships in Lord of the Rings: Legolas and Gimli. A relationship that I think is amazing because they didn't start with love toward each other, but buried grudge and old prejudice.

🎹: Turner Mohan
I adore Legolas and Gimli in the movie but can't help feeling that they're treated more like characters in buddy comedy than figures with deeper meaning. Like other legendary figures like Beren and LĂșthien or Frodo and Sam, they achieved something that had been unheard before.
Even without knowing the long history of Elf-Dwarf dispute, we could see the hints from The Hobbit and the air surrounding Legolas and Gimli during their interaction. Ironically, their first clash happened near the Doors of Durin in Moria.
Doors of Durin was constructed by Elves and Dwarves, with designs that reflected both: hammer and anvil, the Tree of the High Elves, Durin's crown, and FĂ«anor's star. It was special because friendship between Elven and Dwarven kingdoms was rare.

🎹: J. R. R. Tolkien
Legolas and Gimli's clash happened in front of this door, and they started to be more explicit: each blaming the other for the longtime grudge between Dwarves and Elves. I won't pretend to ignore that there's reason why the door's password was "Mellon/Friend!"
When they both grieved for Gandalf and resting in Lothlorien, they started to soften toward each other. Galadriel's influence and her use of Gimli's language, and Gimli's respect toward her, slowly melted the frost, and both Legolas and Gimli started to become friends.
One also perhaps should remember that Gimli was known as "Lockbearer", because he only asked for three strands of Galadriel's hair for parting gift. So different from FĂ«anor, Galadriel's own kin, who asked for the same time but rejected because she saw darkness in his heart.
Gimli and Legolas even made promises to (re)visit beautiful places that had great meaning for each other. After the quest and Aragorn's coronation, they visited the Glittering Caves and Fangorn Forest, appreciating the beauty that had sounded "foreign" in their mind before.
Gimli and Legolas, along with their people, continued the past friendship between Elven and Dwarven kingdoms that had left Moria with Door of Durin. Together, they and their people rebuilt and improved Minas Tirith, including rebuilding the gates with steel and powerful mithril.
Gimli said that if all Elves sailed to Undying Lands, it will be a duller works for those doomed to stay. He feared for Legolas when he started to long for the Sea, afraid that he would leave him. A worry echoed by Legolas, who, over time, could no longer resist the Sea calling.
In year 120 Fourth Age, Legolas took aging Gimli with him when he sailed to Valinor, never to return. A Dwarf and Elf sailing together to Valinor became the first that happened in the history of Arda. Something they, and anyone else, had never expected.

🎹: Ted Nasmith
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