Hey my ace & aro friends. Here are some reminders for today:
-it’s okay if you don’t want to be with anyone
-it’s okay if your relationship is not a traditional romantic relationship
-the love you do feel - whether platonic, romantic, or both- is real
-you are loved
-the messages bombarded at us that we HAVE to be in a romantic relationship to be happy are false -your happiness is your own regardless of relationship status
-being in a romantic relationship as an ace,aro,or aroace is not wrong
-sex is not required for relationships ever
-self love, platonic love, queerplatonic love, familial love, romantic love - none is lesser or greater than any other
-it is healthy to be happy and single, it is unhealthy to stay with someone that you constantly doubt you even like or even likes you
-it can feel lonely to be outside of what’s considered the cultural expectation/norm but there are people around you that love & appreciate you
-we often fall into the trap that we need love from one specific person, but that love can come from many people & places if you look
-You are loved
-your sexual and/or romantic orientation does not make you unworthy of love
-if you feel alone today, reach out to someone and say hello
-you deserve a good day no matter how you choose to spend it
-get yourself a glass of water
-I love you
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