I see people still saying calling witnesses would've put pressure on the GOP senators and boy do I have news for you.
The GOP Senators and Reps in Congress have no shame, sense of decency or integrity. They're in it to maintain white supremacy and the power that comes with it.
When Nixon was impeached those people in Congress were willing to defend the Republic "from all enemies foreign and domestic" and recognized it was party over country. These feckless fuckers DGAF. For them it's power at all cost.
They also know their base won't hold them accountable. A heartless gunman snuffed out the lives of 20 6 and 7yr olds did not move them to act. They kept on doing the bidding of the NRA and gun lobby despite huge support for gun reform.
McConnell prevented a Senate hearing to confirm a SCOTUS Justice and his reward was Senate majority leader. The white American voter sees their majority dwindling and will do everything to maintain the status quo. Don't be surprised when they turnout for the traitors in numbers.
Non-white people are living by a different moral code than our white counterparts and it shows. No Black or POC needed more witnesses to know that on January 6 there was an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the will of the people by Toupee Fiasco.
The GOP Senators and House members know it too but to them it's a "mistake" that should be punished by censure. They're good with it because they still have power to fuck shit up for the rest of us.
You can cry about it or you can do everything in your power to fight against and resist it. Just remember, we're all we got. The white "allies" and liberals will balk at it or flake out on us because we didn't do it their way or we're ignoring their pet issue.
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