Pseudo feminists can stay away from this thread.

Other people can read and share this with their friends and family

Women uploading their photos on the internet isn't that safe these days

Read the thread to know about deepfakes

Some random leftist tweets that sanghi's are ugly and then everybody start quoting their photos on that tweet.

Once something is up on the internet it's very hard to take it down and it keeps circulating.

You might think you have uploaded on twitter but what happens is

It gets saved by many people and then it is circulated on various forums etc

And most of the forums are on the dark web
So most of you don't even know who has your photos and what's being done with it.

There are many evil minds out there which you can't differentiate

Your photos can be morphed in pοrn videos easily these days

Deepfakes are getting popular these days and it's so perfect that nobody can call it as morphed at the first glance.

Finding the person who morphed your photos isn't that easy these days.

By just using dynamic VPN's anybody can mask their IP and leave no trace at all 😂

This applies to all SM platforms and not just twitter.
Many have their insta accounts open without any privacy 🤷🏼‍♂️

Now don't come bashing me under this thread

Just ask yourself a question

Let's assume somebody's photo pe morphed, their family comes to know about this

That person will take long time convincing them that it is morphed and taking that video down will be very difficult

Since it will already be downloaded by many and uploaded on many different websites

The most vulnerable people are of the age bracket of 15-30

Posting your photos anywhere is your choice
I'm no one to stop you✌️

The world out there is cruel so stay safe people

You can google "deepfakes" to know more about it

Disclaimer : I am not forcing anyone to agree with my views so don't come giving me your muft ka gyaan ☮️

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