Letter writer (a doctor) compares teachers with health care professionals.
1. Health care professionals signed up to be in contact with infectious people and aren't in a room with 28-45 patients all day, every day.
2. Average teacher earns $50k. Doctors: $230k-$400k+.
Izzy's teacher would be in a room with 20 kindergarteners all day. Parents send their kids to school sick *all the time* and kids are asymptomatic spreaders.

Izzy's pediatrician has only Izzy and me in a room after strict mask/handwashing/sanitation/social distancing protocols.
Anybody who thinks little kids will wear a mask all day, and socially distance, have never spent even five minutes with a child. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.
The letter writer is a specialist at Cedars-Sinai, one of the best hospitals in the US. Her income is $500k/yr *minimum* (both of her kids are in PRIVATE secondary schools, and those charge minimum $40k tuition/each in LA area). Private schools also have *very* small classes.
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