14 February 2021 #MAGAanalsysis

The Theft

What does it mean, this acquittal? First, it means that the Democrat/RINO Alliance has now used impeachment for nothing other than kabuki theater twice. What does that reveal?
2) It reveals the desperation that counts days as ends. 'If we can only have control of the news cycle this one more day, whew, we got through that one!' There will always be another disaster or catastrophe to get through tomorrow, for them. They count on that.
3) There are two factors they can't handle. The first is that what they thought merely a dormant landform was actually a sleeping giant. The MAGA Movement isn't just a political blip. Long ago, there was the Reagan Revolution. Something stirred.
4) Then followed the Read My Lips, No New Taxes and Let's Invade Iraq But Leave Saddam In Power guy who put us all right back to sleep. 41 sang decent lullabies, lulling us back to sleep while raping our economy, selling our jobs to the highest bidder, China.
5) Clinton 42 and Bush 43 continued.

Lullaby and good night,
With roses bedight,
With lilies o'er spread
Is baby's wee bed.
Lay thee down now and rest,
May thy slumber be blessed.
6) Honestly, I hate in any way desecrating those beautiful and sacred words. And yet, history is history. Bush, Clinton, and Bush desecrated their sacred trust as leaders of our nation. This must never be forgotten.
7) Then Came Obama 44 and something different began to occur. He awakened a resistance called The Tea Party. And it began winning. And winning and winning. No, it couldn't overcome the RINO Republican Party, in the persons of John McCain and Mitt Romney. But...
8) By the time Trump created the MAGA Movement, we handed him the House, Senate, and White House. It's important to remember that The Tea Party paved the way, and MAGA followed on its heels. The giant stirred.
9) Happy, we fell just a little back to sleep, our giant alarm clock has too easy a snooze button, and we lost ground in 2018. But something else was happening. Voter fraud. On a scale never before employed in America.
10) Having both put us back to sleep and defrauded the vote, they knew that 2020 was going to be a major problem. Never before in American history was a presidential landslide and victory in both House and Senate completely stolen, as occurred in 2020.
11) The will of the people and the structure of our democracy was never been shorn apart as it was in 2020. That is the second factor alluded to above. Our government apparatus has been ripped away from us, from our will, from our vote, from our traditions.
12) Thus, a second impeachment. And if the rest of the Republicans who acquitted Trump hadn't known certainty they'd be removed; they'd not have acquitted. The giant is no longer asleep. Dazed and confused and trying and failing to deny, yes. Asleep? No.
13) We have much to learn and much to decide. But the giant is awake. This acquittal, perfunctory as it was, was yet again another turning point in our story. They know that. We should too.
Thread ends at #13.
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