BREAKING: at least six men that provided security for Roger Stone entered the #Capitol during the siege, per a @nytimes visual investigation.

All six are associated with the far-right #OathKeepers militia.


2/ On January 5th, Stone appeared at the Supreme Court, glad-handing and being driven in a go-kart. Later he attended a rally near the White House.

As the @nytimes team shows, his security entourage featured a host of #OathKeepers...
3/ In the morning of the 6th, Stone stood outside the Willard InterContinental hotel, again flanked by men associated with the #OathKeepers.

Some of them, like Rob Minuta, have been named in prior reporting.
4/ Interesting detail: while scrutinizing the video of Roger Stone I spotted Rudy Giuliani exiting the same hotel.

Giuliani is accompanied by a man wearing the same outfit as Trump supporter John Eastman & other not-yet ID'd people.

Video source:
5/ Now to the #Capitol: We see a several of Roger Stone's #OathKeeper guards amidst a larger group yelling at police. Video surfaced by the @CTExposers team.👇👇
6/ KEY EVIDENCE: here are the six men linked to the #OathKeepers that guarded Roger Stone... now inside the #Capitol, participating in the insurrection.
7/ Here's Roger Stone's latest statement, as quoted by the @nytimes.

Important to remember. Stone also claimed that he never left his hotel room on the 6th. Then video emerged showing that he had...

See below tweet👇
8/ The @nytimes visual investigations team ( @trbrtc @btdecker @dwtkns @arielle_designs @_stella_cooper) did an amazing job! They worked through & validated an enormous volume of visual materials to present this story.
9/ Please also join me in recognizing...some of the helpers: the tireless
@CTExposers team seriously assisted several reporting teams, including the @nytimes dig into this case.

The outpouring of volunteer effort around the #Capitol siege is outstanding. Much more to come.
10/ Also check out this excellent thread on the #OathKeepers around Roger Stone that went inside the #Capitol by @trbrtc of the @nytimes with lots of additional context 👇👇
11/ KEY for future investigation: @trbrtc points out that after exiting the #Capitol all six of these men associated with the #OathKeepers gathered around leader Elmer Stuart Rhodes.
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