1) THIS IS A CALL OF SOLIDARITY. It's going to be long and I'm not certain how much it will resonate in the Twittersphere BUT I feel I should try in case it helps at least two people. Lets begin, though the order may be a bit random...
2) If you have any pain condition whether obvious or not (Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, POCS, arthritis and many more) and/or conditions that dictate your life (MS, Cytistic Fibrosis, AIDS/HIV, Cancer of any form, OI and many others that are rarer) I feel your pain & frustration
3) If you're suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, any kind of trauma, any kind of OCD, any kind of psychosis*, if you have been diagnosed autistic, ADHD or just relate to anything & feel misunderstood, I hear you. I'm still learning* but I'm paying attention.
4) If you have any kind of disability, physical, mental or learning capacity. If THAT news report has left you feeling that you're not viewed as worthwhile, let me tell you it's horrible AND YOU ARE WORTH EVERYTHING. *I won't always use every word or term correctly but I want
5) you to keep teaching me and educating me*. To anyone caring for someone, struggling with any part of the 'system', anyone trying to be heard. Let's keep raising our voices to share each others thoughts. It's exhausting but we have to keep fighting. Always better than giving up
6) To anyone grieving right now: that's more of you than I can possibly count. I share your grief and pain. Maybe it's lack of sleep contributing but I cried for my friend who I lost 11 months ago. I tell myself this is okay but sending messages to you I sometimes struggle with
7) the words. How can I make things better? I can't. But I understand sometimes. To every #NHSheroes, every key or essential worker. You're doing marvellous! You may not think you are but you are. To anyone trying to run a business, home school or both, it's really hard of course
8) To anyone struggling financially, mentally, physically, anyone who feels lonely OR may hate themselves. None of us are perfect and we don't have a time machine. But I hold onto the fact that there are still people that are inherently good and that matters a lot.
9)I don't feel the same about Valentines Day like I used to. Air has been sucked out of me at various points & this week has been difficult in more ways than I can articulate. BUT on here people support each other, show kindness, share words, petition, educate and call for change
10) Is that the best part of today - showing love and support? It's so easy to criticise, correct, hate those who have let you down - I've been guilty of that a bit. But for the rest of today, I just want to focus on positivity as much as possible.
11) I don't expect you to understand why I've written this today, it's been on my mind for a while. But a virtual hug isn't big enough so just remember you are loved, valued and important. I don't get 'heated up' by followers so you can unfollow or block. BUT you can share also.
Sorry, CAN'T forget @Elaine_Lanie78 @Danwhite1972 and @SofiaBSocial. Share if this helps anyone at any time. I need to go and be with my family now. X #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay
Missed off: @JuliaSw58329697 (couldn't find her handle originally), @AteA1000chips (carelessly). SEPERATELY, I carelessly missed out anyone struggling with or fighting addiction. Just as important. I promise I'm done now!! #addiction
You can follow @eulalatennis1.
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