The #OVFAF room @One_Voice_1 would like to introduce our series of 'Meet the Women of the Biden Administration'

As a record # of women are appointed in key roles in the
Administration, we would like to introduce you to who they
are, what they do, & their unique qualifications
Meet Deb Haaland, she is one of the first two Native American women elected to the U.S. Congress.

Biden nominated Rep. Deb Haaland to lead the Interior Department
Haaland's qualifications:
Haaland served as the state's vote director for Native Americans in Barack Obama's 2012 presidential reelection campaign. She served as the chair of Democratic Party of New Mexico Native American Caucus from 2012 to 2013
Haaland was elected to a two-year term as the chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico in April 2015.

During her tenure, New Mexico Democrats regained control of the New Mexico House of Representatives and the office of the New Mexico Secretary of State.
Haaland has been credited with rebuilding the state party after large defeats for Democrats in New Mexico in 2014.
Haaland has been the U.S. Representative from New Mexico's 1st congressional district since 2019.
Deb Haaland’s nomination to Interior is not only historic it is also profoundly personal for Native Americans
Members of some indigenous communities see hope in Haaland's elevation
"Representation matters. American Indians and Alaskan natives are the only human beings who are still managed by the Department of Interior, alongside public lands, fish and wildlife,” said Millard-Chacon
The Interior Dept is involved with many aspects of the lives of Native Americans

The department oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education & the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration, which holds billions of dollars generated from tribal lands in trust
The Interior and the nation’s 574 tribes has been fraught with troubles since the beginning

The U.S. has not honored treaties signed by tribes.
“Since the beginning of the Department of the Interior, there have only been white people leading it, We finally have a relative leading the department that has the entire oversight of tribes. I don’t think people realize how big of a deal it is.” said Henson
“I finally exist in the American identity.” said Millard-Chacon
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