oh grow up, it’s HEALTHY for women to avoid pics of models who’ve had tonnes of cosmetic surgery & can afford nutritionists, personal trainers, and photoshop artists for every insta photo

try *ten minutes* as a girl with an eating disorder in this hell world https://twitter.com/ovoliver98/status/1360653026919350272
also something men consistently forget is that guys can p much just work out and have an “ideal body” of some kind

if you’re a girl & your skeleton isn’t shaped exactly the right way, no matter what you do you will NEVER be judged as sufficiently attractive by these standards
women don’t feel like shit upon seeing impossibly beautiful models bc we’re too lazy to exercise/control our diet (vastly more women over-exercise or intensively restrict their diet than men)

we feel like shit because we could do all of that, & be so ill, and still not get there
it’s also easy for me to make these points bc *thanks to genes* I’m tall & fairly slim (if you’re going to be sarcastic about this, fuck off).

imagine how men respond when this is voiced by women who aren’t. you couldn’t even say it w/o being derided as “bitter” or “jealous” 🙃
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