You know what, let's watch some Rockets/Knicks
Good defense here from the Knicks. Gordon comes off the stagger, Randle is there to keep the drive in front and it turns into a late switch. Everyone gets to stay at home and results in a contested shot.
Knicks may have tripped into this action for Elfrid Payton but it's a good way to open up his ability in the paint. Randle screens for him in back court, Noel sets a second and now Payton can get downhill and attack with space.
Julius Randle's playmaking continues to be up. Not sure he makes this play last year. Comes off the screen, one dribble, right to Noel rolling. This is why your weakside has to be in early to try and discourage that pass.
Houston has to find their way during this stretch, lack of a roller throwing their flow off. Knicks did a good job mixing unders/switches to take away automatic reads. Payton goes under, Barrett switches, key is no one has to rotate so no drive and kick.
Small lineup for Houston has the defense, but no roller. Danger is teams starting to play just for the kick out. Rose navigating the screens, Gibson stays in front on the drive but watch Quickley. He's in early, there's no roll so he's recovering to the corner. Almost a steal.
One thing about having Rose is Quickley can play off his actions or be the finisher on possessions. Rose comes off P&R and the Rockets switch, good D. Kick to Quickley for another P&R and this is a good job of lulling D to sleep. Rejects and finishes.
Eric Gordon was pretty good for the Rockets but this is a player development point for Toppin. Gordon comes off the screen, Toppin is calling for Rose to switch which is a good read. Problem is as soon as Rose goes to leave, Toppin leaves as well and it's an open 3.
Sometimes it feels like Eric Gordon is just running HB Inside Zone.
Another issue for the Rockets, struggling at times to create quality looks and when you do... are these now looks that the defense wants you to take?
Good read from Quickley here, gets the hand off and comes off both screens. Rockets are switching but when he comes off he looks up at the rim. Use that threat to pull to open things up, nice hesitation and finish.
More progress from Quickley. Comes off the screen, big comes up, immediately looks for Gibson rolling.
I do like that Thibs just let's the second unit play. Rose, Quickley, Burks go be scorers, run in transition, attack. Don't worry about these sets I'll run those with the first unit. That feels like an evolution.
Nice cut from RJ Barrett here. Knicks run Pistol, Rockets switch. Payton does a good job of rejecting the screen knowing that switch is coming. Barrett times that cut as soon as Wall goes to help since Gordon is holding. Layup.
(if you're in a small lineup, you can't let your man reject. the help isn't built in for that, have to send him off the screen to stay solid)
Good read by Barrett here out of Pistol. Rockets switching, when Barrett comes off, Brown takes one slide over the top before trying to recover. Sees it and throws the lob as there's no help behind
Rockets still small, still switching but another breakdown. This time Barrett attacks middle vs. Tate. Wall decides to step up to help only he's guarding Noel who is at the dunker spot and gets an easy two. That high up the floor, make Barrett make a tough two.
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