Today is our old friend Ds birthday, he’s 60. Around Arsenal early eighties a friendship began between two kids from different parts of London, one black one white. If you need to know anything about that man and that time that about covers it. Arsenal is in all our souls as 1/2
The Bear. Denton was a funny loveable rogue and those of us who walked beside him felt safe and on top of the world in his company. We were what we were but black white Greek south north east and west we were, and still are, Arsenal. No AFTV no podcasts or ITKs just lads 2/3
Having the time of their lives. We looked out for each other even if it was north v south on the trains 😉 and we all bonded and D was the mainstay alongside Big Bad Dino Leggsy to name but a few. Happy Birthday D we miss you but you’re in all our hearts today and always 3/4
Rest easy now you’re hibernating up there teaching god how to play cards and looking down on your beloved family, friends and football club. In my eyes you are a legend and made me feel part of Arsenal and a friendship to this day.4/5
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