This is gonna be a long thread but some people wanted me to do this..
This is not me defending s15 weak storylines.. sidelining sam, bringing back unnecessary characters but this is me saying that ending is the best the writers could have done with their limited brain..
In some way it makes sense and in some ways it doesn't.
Yeah dean Deserved to live a life with this brother I agree and it hurts me everyday that sam lived his life without Dean...and as brothers fan this was my nightmare of them dying and it hurts me everyday.. and
Yeah his death wasn't actually blaze of the glory he wanted but it does make sense that now chuck is not controlling their lives and they'll die on any hunt and it's spn.. it's never a perfect show.. but in some ways it makes sense.. Both sam and dean's ending are about eo
Dean did die saving people (two brothers on top of them)...and he didn't want to die but he was still content because sam is there and he'll be living is life...the way they both so tangled up each other's life. And Soulmates.. Dean is just happy that Sam is living and him saying
About Stanford after 15 years.. that was a great development...the person who said no Chick flick feelings is the one who poured his heart to the most important person in his life...his life he did everything to protect sam and he succeeded...and it makes sense why he would be
content when sam is living for him...
Now coming to Sam... He lived and did everything to do justice for dean's promise... there must be many days where he just wanted to give up but he kept fighting and that's the message Sam's ending you really think he was ever in
Peace since Dean died.. Even in old age he had a breakdown sitting in the impala . Even after losing everyone especially his one constant person he kept living for Dean . And then finally reuniting in heaven.. that's their peace.. without any hunt without worrying about each
Other's safety..I don't think they ever would have stopped hunting and saving people if they were on earth because it's in their blood...they would have retired for few days suuree but they never would have stopped it for lifetime.. there's always people to yeah heaven
is their perfect ending....and at the end that's whete they are and together ae Soulmates and that's what keep me at peace about the ending...and with Jared callbacks and easter eggs with j2 Amazing chemistry and acting up until the last scene ..
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