"This seems like a weirdly brazen type of falsehood for a major newspaper"
The Charles Murray bit was funny, like a pantomime villain level caricature of what people think the left press is all about - crafting deliberate deceptions to take down enemies. https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/statement-on-new-york-times-article
Reading through the article ticking off all the usual lazy dull innuendo it leapt out of the page at me. Then clicking through and Googling stuff that wasn't linked sure enough you easily see the underpinnings of a sad lying assembly.
How is this normal? https://twitter.com/tlitb/status/1360640800774840322
This is a great thread on the NYT article too

"...full of bad faith representation and accusation by grammatical implication..." https://twitter.com/PMatzko/status/1360629399582826499
You can follow @tlitb.
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