I'm gonna regret this but I'm gonna go through everything wrong with this.
First of all, the word libertarian was initially used by anarcho communists and was coopted by right libertarians. It has no need for an "nap" that's only what right libertarians believe.
Socialists do not believe in slavery. It isn't slavery to be provided with your basic needs, to democratically run your workplace or to be given the full value of your labour, without some leech at the top skimming off a significant amount of everything you produce.
"COmmUnISm kILleD 500,000 BAJILLION people!!!" the book that started that claim artificially inflated the number by including stuff like nazi soldiers who were killed during wwii and seemingly made up values at some points just to reach 100M.
And idk where you got 200M... The black book of communism had to artificially inflate the numbers to get to 100M
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