everyone replying to this tweet talking about how they don't like maggie haberman is either willfully ignoring the point or a complete fucking idiot, take your pick.

it does not matter if you don't like her. that is not the purpose of this conversation. https://twitter.com/lyzl/status/1360273560367988739
all the men replying to that tweet with "but maggie is bad :(" can eat a bag of dicks. it's completely detracting from any legitimate conversation while women are sharing their experiences of being harassed. it's ok tho. the dudes have pronouns in their bios. they are feminists.
this idea that you have to be liked or respected by everyone for your experiences of abuse to be valid hurts everyone. it's what keeps people from coming forward, and it's what makes people think that they deserve it, or that it's their fault. have you assholes learned nothing
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