
Praying for the end of the heresy of white supremacy and all other supremacists that rob people of their humanity. Praying for work of activists and allies who are dismantling oppressive practices.

William H. Johnson, Jesus and the Three Marys

Praying for the work of activists involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement.
May we learn to dismantle to dismantle systematic oppression from their example.

Art by @nicole_wandera
Praying for the work of Dalit Christians who are fighting the heresy of the caste system.

May we challenge the heresy that rob people of their dignity and humanity.

Art by @jebasingh_
Praying for #Stanstead15 may the work of these brave anti-racist inspire other people to dismantle. Praying for their safety.
May the church learn from their example.

Praying for ending injustices perpetuated by developed nations against developing nations. Praying for the @churchofengland to extricate itself from the military industrial complex.

Praying for the work of those

Art by Peter Koenig

Praying for the safety and wellbeing of people of colour in congregations and ministry may they know peace where they worship.

Enable Christian love and hospitality to flourish where hatred for the stranger poisons the Church.

Art by Sarah Jenkins
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