If you are looking for a mentor here are some suggestions.
1) choose them carefully and issue a personalised invitation - I’ve chosen you because...
2) manage the mentor relationship.
-Be clear on what you are looking for support with and how often you want to meet & for how long
3) be clear on what mentoring means to you. A mentor should have ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ but have the wisdom to not turn you into a clone of them
4) don’t be afraid to offer feedback to your mentor or end the relationship, with care.
6) once you have chosen your mentor, allow yourself to submit to their experience. This does not mean blindly accept, but it does mean be open to real change in yourself and your methods
7) and cast your net wide.
-Look at mentors from different organisations and industries
-Find the best mentor you can. Issue ambitious, even slightly cheeky invites to people you REALLY admire. With the right invitation and a clear ask they might just say yes
8) Be prepared to develop and deepen the right relationship, possibly over a number of years or decades. A good mentor will have so much to offer
9) Don’t underestimate your importance to them either!
You can follow @mikechitty.
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