. @PeterDutton_MP wasn’t making communities safer, he was making Liberal and marginal seats safer for the Liberal Party. 
Nowhere is this clearer than in the Braddon by-election campaign, where Captain Safe Seats 👨‍✈️🪑 flew a luxury VIP plane to Tasmania at taxpayer expense.
At this event, @PeterDutton_MP stood next to the Liberal candidate to announce two grants from the Safer Communities Fund, even though the guidelines for the fund hadn't been established and the application process hadn’t even opened yet! 

. @PeterDutton_MP was warned by his own safety experts:
❌ not to misuse taxpayer dollars in this way
❌ the grants he handpicked lacked merit
❌ he would likely be criticised by the Audit office and in the media for these decisions.

Australian families are struggling to pay the bills, but @PeterDutton_MP thinks nothing of spending tens of thousands of Australians taxpayer dollars on luxury plane trips to support a Liberal Party election campaign. #SaferSeatsRorts
#SportsRorts was just the tip of the iceberg with this 8 year old Liberal Government.  

The Liberals treat taxpayer money like it’s Liberal Party money.

How can they be looking after Australian families when they are so busy looking after themselves?
Now, more than ever, Australians want and deserve transparency and integrity in their government.

Instead, with this 8 year old Liberal Government they get dodgy land deals, #SportsRorts and now #SaferSeatsRorts.
. @senbmckenzie resigned after #SportsRorts hit.

On the face of it, @PeterDutton_MP’s #SaferSeatsRorts - complete with luxury VIP plane trips - looks worse.
. @ScottMorrisonMP promised a National Integrity Commission more than two years ago but he has not delivered it.

Labor is on the side of transparency and accountability in government.
An Albanese Labor Government will deliver a strong and independent National Integrity Commission to stamp out waste, mismanagement and corruption and restore trust in government.

Labor is #OnYourSide
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