Democrats are so incompetent they hold a majority in the House despite rampant gerrymandering, hold the senate despite malapportionment, and won presidential election popular votes convincingly for the past 16 years, even as social democratic parties across the West collapsed.
And most importantly, they did all of that while not sacrificing social issues.

Democrats held firm and even moved to the left on abortion access, LGBT issues, immigration, criminal justice, even drug policy.

No country in Europe formally has legal recreational marijuana.
Take Oregon:

- Psilocybin legalized for therapeutic purposes.

- All drugs decriminalized.

- Weed legal.

- Abortion is state paid for, even for illegal immigrants.

- Illegal immigrants can have drivers licenses and in-state tuition.

Nowhere in Europe does all that.
My point?

Even by the absurd idea of "European standards," American Democrats are solidly left wing.
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