So I hear people are complaining about a little lockdown for #Covid19. What, exactly, about the lockdown is so traumatic? I'd really love to know, to try to understand. 🤔

Are bombs being dropped?
Has an asteroid hit?
Have we been invaded by facists?
Are we starving?
Has half of Melbourne been destroyed by fire?
Have TVs & phones stopped working?
Has the water supply been contaminated or cut off?
Is sewerage flowing down the streets?

No? Nothing terrible actually happening?

Well then, princesses (and princes)


Community matters
Addendum/clarification. Yes, there are vulnerable people in the community. My concern expressed above is directed at high profile people with a platform crying "oh woe is us": essentially acting like a person yelling "fire" in a theatre. Panic, we know, is contagious. (1/2a)
(2/2a) Such people have a moral and social responsibility to be a calming and supportive influence in these times.

Despite the challenges some may face, this is not a catastrophe or a disaster and should not be depicted as such. To do so is irresponsible and uncaring at best.
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