I think there’s an huge opportunity to build a Tesla for souls (thread)
We’re either in a world where there’s no good tools for radical and reliable positive psychological change if you put a lot of smart effort into it, or we’re living in a world where this is reliably possible. I think we’re in the latter
But for some reason therapy isn’t that effective. I think it’s partly because they’re not using the right tools, partly that most therapists suck and it’s hard to know which are good as a client, and partly that meeting one hour a week on a schedule doesn’t make sense
The search space is massive. Hundreds of meditations, dozens of psychiatric drugs, many psychedelics (all different) fitness, diet, dozens of therapy modalities (Alexander technique, IFS, etc)

It’d be super surprising if all of these couldn’t give you +2/10 life satisfaction
I think the answer is to start upmarket. Sell +2/10 baseline happiness for $1m. I know lots who would buy that. Talked to a brilliant young founder today who sold a company and wanted to know how to convert $ -> happiness and I didn’t have an answer for her. So build one
There’s def challenges here, but I think if you interview people and only accept clients you think are promising and hire the right concierge “meta-therapists” available ~anytime to help and are good at hiring specialists for each tool you can get a nearly 100% success rate
This could mean flying your client to Jamaica for a psilocybin therapy one week, then to London for Alexander Technique training a few weeks later. By removing resource constraints you open the space up a lot
I think it’s possible to build a huge company just focusing on the high-end, but as you figure out what works build tech and processes to make it cheaper, like Tesla did

Let people buy connection to themselves, buy back a healthy emotional profile, buy back their soul
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