Scientist, noting plot point in every disaster movie and also, reality
Addendum: The world listened to scientists in the 1980s, when the concentration of CFCs in the atmosphere threatened to broaden polar ozone holes.
Nonetheless, the widespread international consensus on CFCs - which which involved some nations at each other's throats - demonstrated humanity can pull in one direction when there is a common threat.
There are many reasons why a similar consensus didn't emerge when the pandemic started.

The international response to date better resembles World War Z (the clever book, not the terrible movie), with each nation trying a different strategy ... with wildly uneven results.
Nonetheless, some climate scientists and journos have posited, in this medium and elsewhere, that our collective pandemic failures will lead/inspire/force/shame the world to pull together on climate change.
This sentiment is well-founded. That doesn't change the fact it is utopian.

The world hasn't pulled together for many other common goods, including the pressing need to mitigate other environmental crises, including deforestation, habitat loss and the depletion of marine life.
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