I'm thinking clearly enough right now after Rose's death and all the other deaths I've had to survive over the past mumble mumble years, to not want to scream in a void and actually say meaningful shit.

Trans kids, pay attention.
Rose wanted to move to Ireland after med school because she was appalled at how trans horrible trans healthcare in ireland was, especially for kid. Since that won't be happening now because she's dead, I'm gonna give you the only advice I have.
If you are in the system, understand the system.

You own none of them a lick of truth. If you are worried the gatekeeping fuckfaces won't let you transition because of xyz, it's really simple. DO NOT TELL THEM.

Seriously, tell them exactly whatever truetrans narrative they want to hear. They expect you to adhere to some cisnormative look? Pull it off for your appointments as best you can. Get what you need and gtfo. If it helps, pretend you're undercover or something.
You owe them nothing of yourself. No truth, no insight into your soul, nothing.

Now. If you are not in the system yet or are on the long waiting list. Well. There are options here that are probably things that would be frowned upon. Here is the thing.
Trans kids world wide have been doing what I'm gonna tell you about since the beginnings of modern hormonal pharmaceuticals. Be smart, be careful, read up. DO NOT WAIT for any of those bastards, certainly not for 3 f'ing years.
Get your 'mones and/or blockers any way you can. Online, pals, friendly GP, whatever. There are ways (and I'm not going to publicly tell you the hows and wheres to protect those services. Ask someone else) to get what you need to transition, you just gotta find them.
This is your life. Not your families, not O'Shea's, not Moran's, not the HSEs.

Do what you need to right now to live it and live it without a stitch of apology to any of them.

Understand. What is happening to you right now with the state of trans healthcare in .ie is criminal.
You have the absolute right to do what you need to do in order to survive and you owe NO ONE any apologies for doing what you need to do in order to survive.

And I want you to survive and thrive and look back at this time and roll your eyes as you remember how awful it was.
I'm sorry things are such shit right now. For those of us who didn't trans in Ireland through the Irish system, I hear you, it ain't much better. Trans adults need to do more. Trans orgs need to do more. The HSE needs to fucking do well... anything.
If it was up to me, we'd have informed consent and be treated like competent humans and every damn GP in the country would be able to hand you a script for blockers and an estrogen/testosterone regime that isn't shit.
Punishing people for breaking the rules only works if the punishment is worse that what happens when you follow the rules.

3 years waitlist v. ????
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