THREAD: The problem with the Republican party is that they want to inject morals into politics. From a pure game theory perspective, Republicans and Democrats have been playing different games against each other. When a democrat does something awful, short of murder, the...
Democrats circle the wagons at all costs. When cities burned last summer, they remained mostly silent, endorsing the violence. They protect their own because they have to in order to remain in power. Power is their purpose in the great game of politics.
When a Republican does something wrong, no matter how slight, especially in comparison to the things Democrats do and get away with, there are Republicans who for whatever reason immediately their fellow Republican. They justify it by claiming "it's the right thing to do."
But that's the problem - in politics, the right thing to do left the game decades ago. And in the current game, the left understands this completely and is winning because of it. The Republicans still don't understand that by attacking their own, they weaken the party writ large.
Until both sides start playing the same game, there will be this endless back and forth where the only measure of winning is through obtaining and retaining power. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, the biggest losers are the United States of America and the citizens these...
...corrupt hypocrites were elected to lead. The system isn't broken - it's just not currently designed to serve the people.
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