Native peoples are often hyper-invisible while Black folks are often hyper-visible.

However, our respective visibility under these systems correlates with the method used to oppress and subjugate our respective peoples.
Native peoples are often hyper-invisible as a means of erasure. To establish a settler state by way of voiding our humanity, displacing our peoples, and genociding us.

The goal? To steal our land, transform it into property, and transfer it to those deemed legally “white.”
Black folks are often hyper-visible as a means of controlling and policing our bodies. To normalize violence against us all while using our suffering and destruction as a means of entertainment.

This does not equate to being seen, it instead transforms our bodies into property.
Indigenous sovereignty and Black liberation movements do not detract from our respective fights for freedom.

How we experience being seen/unseen has much to do with the horizontal oppression we experience under white supremacism, settler colonialism, and racial capitalism.
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