Don’t get mad about the witnesses issue. Its a moot point. The numbers that would acquit wouldn’t change regardless.

Graham and Ernst were threatening to go evilly obstructionist if it went that route. This gives us more ammunition to abolish the filibuster

This is the next big fight. Especially when it comes to passing the John Lewis voting rights act. This is 🔑 to preserve democracy

7 GOP Senators is a victory. Once Trump goes down the GOP will face accountability for blinding support for USAs biggest criminal since Capone

We now direct our public pressure campaign to the @TheJusticeDept

The burden is now on AG Garland to prosecute Trump for the crimes laid out and roadmapped by the impeachment managers. As a follower of mine said it would be akin to walking away from OKC bombing plot

I for one am not stressing and attacking our Democratic leadership tonight. But am celebrating. I know Trump will he convicted in a court of law, as does Moscow Mitch

Personally, I am more worried that he doesn’t face accountability for a COVIR genocide.

Lancet, the most respect journal in the ENTIRELY OF ACADEMIA just published a study attributing over 200k direct deaths to him. As a researcher who knows senior researchers in who published in Lancet and defined their careers. This is a big deal.

Best rest easy tonight and appreciate our leadership.

Thanks to @RepRaskin
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