Back in Iraq, CIA officers order some army soldiers to torture prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Now, those soldiers should have known better than to follow illegal orders, but they did it anyway.

When it came to light, when the world found out, Americans were ashamed, outraged.

Those soldiers went to prison.

But here's the thing: NONE of their officers did. Oh, a general didn't get a promotion and had to retire with a 5-figure pension, but not one of the officers who allowed their soldiers to commit that horror went to jail.

And no one from the CIA was EVER held accountable.

In fact, it never happened and they were never there.

But somebody had to pay. And when things like this happen, it's always the guys at the bottom of the food chain. Cardinal Rule of Military Life: shit rolls downhill.

Those soldiers deserved to go to prison because what they did was wrong, was criminal, was against everything we supposedly stand for.

But they were patsies.

Just dumb fucking dupes, too stupid to keep from being used and discarded by those in power.

Those of you who answered Trump's call? Who stormed the Capitol because guys like Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz and Q told you to? You're going to prison. You're going to pay.

You've been used and discarded like dumb fucking dupes.

You're going to pay.

While Trump golfs.

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