1/ Thread @TheRickyDavila @sampson_elaine @BrianZahnd @TrickFreee @PreetBharara @SethAbramson @gregolear
First thoughts on Trump's acquittal at the impeachment trial.
2/ McConnell's closing speech clearly implicates Trump in criminal activity but McConnell claims the Senate is not the proper forum for a private citizen. This is disingenuous because Mitch refused to start the trial while Trump was still in office.
3/ Mitch's argument makes me wonder if he is trying to tempt Biden's Justic Department to prosecute Trump. The skeptic in me thinks that Mitch is hoping to get Biden stuck in a partisan quagmire and rile up the QOP voters so they will go to the polls in 2022.
4/ If Mitch can taunt Ds into forcing a Justice Department prosecution of Trump, it helps Mitch. IF Trump can be prosecuted elsewhere by someone not related to Biden. It's a smart, cynical & diabolical play by McConnell, a man who cares only about his own power and his donors.
5/ Let’s hope that Cy Vance, Manhattan (state) District Attorney, indicts Trump for tax and bank fraud. And let's not forget all the civil litigation that will plague Trump for the foreseeable future, including a lawsuit for sexual assault.
6/ A grand jury that has been investigating Trump Org for more than a year for these financial crimes. Indictment in New York State court for financial crimes committed before and during his presidency would be far less partisan than prosecution by Biden's Justice Department.
7/ The crimes Cy Vance is investigating would put Trump in prison long past the next presidential election. Finally, we can place some hope in the Atlanta, GA, prosecutor who is investigating Trump for election tampering.
8/ The Atlanta District Attorney is a tough veteran of the district attorney's office, and the jury pool in her county is not made up of a majority of Trump voters. In other words, the Georgia case shouldn't be dismissed as a real threat to Trump's freedom.
9/ I think Trump committed several crimes that could be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney for D.C. I'm just hoping that Cy Vance and/or the Atlanta DA will take on Trump right now & let Biden focus on unifying the country and rescuing us from the disaster that Trump left behind.
10/ Dems can gain Senate seats in 2022 if Biden is doing a good job as president. I think Biden has made a good start, and I am optimistic about the job he will do. Calling witnesses to the impeachment trial would have hampered Biden's work.
11/ With 20 R Senate seats up for grabs in 2022, vs. only 12 Democratic seats at risk, I think we can seize more then 50 Senate seats. I'd like to see Biden focus on Building Back Better, with Trump's criminality being litigated in Manhattan, Atlanta or another jurisdiction
12/ To acknowledge the truth, I didn't expect a guilty verdict, but I'm still disappointed. Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin did the most amazing job, especially given the fact that he lost his son to suicide just before the insurrection and is undoubtedly still in grief.
13/ The entire group of House Managers did an impressive job, and they should have won. They lost only because of the cowardice & self-interest of 33 Republican Senators. Criticizing the House Managers or the Democratic Senate leadership is, I think, wrong.
14/ We should be proud that the House Managers created a public history of Trump's Insurrection that will put Trump's evil actions on display for present and future generations.
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