Now We Know…
With the acquittal of Donald Trump for insurrection, the GOP PROUDLY proclaimed that they’re more-than-willing to overthrow our Democratic Republic in lieu of an Authoritarian. Their only condition? A TRUMPSTER-TYPE must lead the charge.
Is Trump guilty? “Beyond-reasonable-doubt” video & audio evidence was presented by the prosecution. To acquit Trump would be like saying “Yes, 100 million+ people witnessed the 1st degree murder but THAT’S JUST NOT ENOUGH for a guilty verdict”.
Why did Republicans vote to acquit? It’s clear & simple. They now know they’re on a fast-track to irrelevancy, and they are panicking. As such, they are willing to trample all over the American flag, Constitution and established laws to remain alive.
How did they get here? During the Reagan Presidency the GOP went full throttle in support of Wall Street, corporate America and the wealthy, making it clear they were not interest in the working class. By 1990 they recognized the error of their ways.
Their fix? They escalated their gerrymandering efforts. To distract from that, they doubled-down on conspiracies of voter fraud they claimed Democrats committed. By 2000, they had demonized the Democrats to the point of winning the White House.
Next step? With the election of the first black President in 2008, conservative racism exploded across America, embedding hatred. In 2010, the tea party rose up to “fix” the “problems”. That paved the way for a Donald J Trump to be elected in 2016.
And, as the old saying goes, “THE REST IS HISTORY”. Destroying our Democratic Republic in favor of an ultra-conservative, lying, racist dictator is the only way the Grand Old Party of America will survive. A N D T H E Y K N O W I T!
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