Anonymous Life Gone and WHY (thred):

As an anon, I had some security and am risking a little now. American Universities certainly won’t hire me for the foreseeable future (“he’s a racist??”) but I think this will pass and don’t plan on returning to USA anytime soon.
Anonymity is good.

(1) to the “ideas have consequences” crowd (calling @CBradleyThomps1): ideas are UNIVERSAL. They don’t depend on any name. They are powerful or not. Anonymity is about the power of IDEAS. All “principled conservatives” should write anonymously, on principle.
The reason I “self-doxxed” is simple: too many people knew and were using it against me.

But isn’t it about ideas not people?

“NO” they say... “these are our ideas! You’re attacking us. You’re attacking AMERICA!”

B****, I am more American than you will ever be.
(2) A FREE democratic society is PASSIONATE.

It accepts that its members have disparate and varied ideals, and it welcomes debate. It understands & RESPECTS the dangers of dissent. It doesn’t try to paint sincere dissent as evil. That is weakness.
(3) Today as ALWAYS, the dissenters are in the minority. It is dangerous to be in a minority in Democracy. Our founders put safeguards for certain minorities (the crazy religious and wealthy) but not for others.
(3 continued) today the dissenters have to be openly SCIENTIFIC. The races and sexes are different: biologically and sociologically different. I am sorry to tell you this, it is true. If you are well educated and deny this, you’re just an ass or a stooge.
(4) but I am a facephag (named acct). Look, I had no choice and am secure, but more importantly— I don’t think anyone with self respect will disagree with BAP on the essentials in 3 years.
My goal is to encourage others to say true things anonymously: CHANGE THE MINDS OF THESE PROFESSORS.

My alma mater is embroiled in racial bullshit and it is all so transparently stupid. A few well spoken & brave souls could save this or that college.
No one today deserves respect if they aren’t assertive.

No one deserves respect who follows the crowd.

No one deserves respect who has no self-respect.
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