Here is a list of all the things the labour right are currently getting horribly wrong:
1. The voters hate disunity in parties. One of the reasons they could not trust corbyn was the disunity spread by the centre/right. The answer to that was unity, not worse disunity !
2. At a time of national crisis, people want a positive vision for the future, not a bunch of hyocrites clearly selling their recent values for votes. We see through that shit! Voters also want competent opposition. If you just agree with the Govt, we might as well vote for them!
3. Political parties need enthusiastic, complex & competent regional administrators & an army of campaigners to fight local elections. So if you declare war on these people after 4 years of abusing them, they will lose patience & abandon you just when you need them.
4. If you have lost 4 elections in a row to a bunch of evil incompetent bastards, you need a proper review of everything you have got wrong and right. Not a review of why your internal enemies are bad people but you are fine. Insight and self criticism is hard, but rewarding
Labour has a few reasons to be ashamed. Jewish people are upset about antisemitism; black MPs are upset over racism; there are accusations of islamaphobia & left wing Jews are being bullied & oppressed. Don’t just deal with one of these & ignore all the others! That is disastrous
6. If you invite hard right conservative organisations who want to destroy you into your party and give them power over your internal processes it will end in tears. Especially if these processes have just been criticised by the EHRC and you have decided to ignore half the report
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