I don’t want to hear anyone defending intellectual ableism after this because this is the result. I hope you’re fucking happy now. https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1360595747708809218
This is eugenics in its most flagrant form. Fuck that. The blood of these people is on your ableist hands. You think our lives aren’t worth living and this is what happens. This is what using the reality of disability as a bludgeon or a scare leads to.
This isn’t just out of nowhere, this is the result of ableist fuckery being ingrained in our societies and ableds not challenging it at all.
Y’all consistently terrorize the disabled people who dare to challenge intellectual ableism. Y’all would rather continue in your ways even if it leads to disabled people being killed or harmed. Fuck you.
I don’t think y’all understand the terror of eugenics and society devaluing your life time and time again. The terror and despair you feel when when it becomes more and more of a reality. And they never fucking listen to us, only our murderers.
A pandemic that left many people disabled is what bred the environment for the Nazi’s eugenics programs to take hold. Now a century later, the same thing is happening and we have learned nothing.
This didn’t happen overnight and you let us suffocate even as we were warning you.
The lives of intellectually disabled people are just as valuable as everyone else’s. We’ve failed them by letting things go this far.
We need to fucking listen to developmentally/intellectually disabled people
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