how i think bts sleeps:
-oh he’s definitely a light sleeper
-i think he’d sleep in his back with his arms spread open
-literally owns one pillow and one blanket only
-looks like he’s having the best dream ever
-gives me big spoon energy, although loves to coddled too
-i think he sleeps on his tummy, hugging a pillow with one of his arms
-probably has one thousand pillows and rj’s on his bed
-his face puffs up 🥺
-oh he’s definitely little spoon from my perspective
-probably a side sleeper
-drowns in warm and fluffy blankets
-says he doesn’t like cuddling but will hold you close
-curls up on himself
-gives me both big spoon and little spoon energy
-light sleeper, always alert
-he buries himself in the blankets until he’s just a tiny ball underneath them 🥺
-i feel like he kicks in his sleep
-will probably make cute noises
-little spoon in my opinion, even though he looooves holding close the others
-oh he’s a heavy HEAVY sleeper, nothing will wake him up
-curls and hides himself under the warm blankets and thousand pillows he owns
-i feel like he’s little spoon
-will probably seek warmth in his sleep, so if you sleep with him he’d sleep in your chest
-the definition of angel face when sleeping
-likes to hug something in his sleep, either a pillow, plushie or person
-i cant choose between big spoon or little spoon, baby likes to be both
-coldest room in the house with the warmest blankets
-makes pretty sounds 🥺
-heavy sleeper, won’t wake up to bts mess in the kitchen
-only owns one ten year old pillow and blanket
-moves a lot on his sleep and will probably take up the entire bed
-most likely to ‘accidentally’ push you from the bed
-baby likes to hug someone close to him
this doesn’t make sense but i woke up from my daily nap and immediately thought of how they would sleep, either ways only my two moots will see this so goodnight 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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