1/5 While we wait for the Fletcher Review, we can prepare for it by pondering one of the many emails I got sent from ministers opposing the Review. I was one of the ministers who wrote the letter calling for Emmanuel to host a review - doing so prompted emails of protest....
2/5 Rev Willie Phillips was director of PT (co-founded by Fletcher) & today runs Scotish branch of PT. He emailed me to say: ' I feel that such an ‘enquiry’ merely puts a shadow of suspicion over hundreds of churches and pastors who have nothing whatsoever to do with this issue..
3/5 ..There may be questions needing to be asked in certain circles, but I really don’t see that this kind of enquiry suggested by the letter is even possible. Into what do they enquire? What and who constitutes ‘this culture’? All who claim to be evangelical? Or conservative?..
4/5..I understand that some may feel shaken by the alleged issues with Jonathan Fletcher but honestly I have to tell you that most of those I have spoken to about it take the view that it has been blown up out of all proportion..
5/5 that airing it that way at EMA was a mistake, and that it seems to be more to do with positioning in present Anglican ecclesiastical politics than anything else. So I would just urge caution on such calls for an independent review.' Willie Phillips, Cornhill Scotland
PS I emailed Willie to ask if he wished to retract or apologise for any of his words urging against holding an Independent Enquiry. He did not reply. Let's be sure to ask him what he thinks after the review is released
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