I, along with many of you are supremely disappointed in the outcome of the Senate trial today. However, this is far from over as Trump faces real criminal threats to his legacy and freedom. Also, keep in mind that the family of the fallen & injured officers are quite likely to 1/
file civil suits against Trump for his actions leading up to, and on, 1/6. In addition, there were 3 very good reasons for Dems choosing not to call witnesses and I think Biden made a call to intervene: 1) it wouldn’t derailed Biden’s legislative and confirmation agenda; 2) it 2/
would’ve opened the door to everyone from Nancy Pelosi to Senate pages being deposed under oath - which would’ve dragged on for YEARS (Trump would be dead before it was all said and done) and...3) it would’ve produced no measurable change in the outcome. Now, Trump is 3/
disgraced (57 against him is a beat down of epic proportions), those in the GOP who voted FOR him are going to get beat about the head and neck for at least the next 2 years for their cowardice, Biden can start governing for real, and prosecutors up and down the eastern 4/
seaboard can start picking at the flesh of a soon-to-be rotting and isolated corpse. Make no mistake, Trump has been fatally wounded by this whether he knows it or acknowledges it yet. Sentiment has grossly turned against him AND his cult of qidiots. Yes, they will go down 5/
stupidly and dangerously, but they will go down. More & more will jump ship as he starts to really lose court cases and “q” predictions keep being proven false. These idiots will become further outcasts in local communities to the point they leave the cult. There are 6/
particularly low barriers to exit for this cult because there is no David Koresh or Jim Jones or border guard holding them in by force. The system will heal remarkably quickly because Trump has been neutered on any media or social media channel that matters. Remember why most 7/
people who joined q and followed Trump did so...they were the unpopular kids who always wanted to fit in and be in control & be popular. Once they see Trump and q can’t deliver that to them, these people will seek some other way to achieve those same emotional & psychological 8/
needs. There will be some other pathetic bandwagon for them to join soon enough. Maybe they’ll coalesce around someone as flawed at mgt or Cruz or hawley. The grifters will eat themselves alive for the privilege of trying to replace Trump while the rest of us move on w/our 9/
lives and leave them even more outcast and fringe. That’s what happens to insurgent cults of personalities. As soon as the main attraction is dethroned and proven a fraud (tax & financial records will be out soon enough showing how inept Trump is) the people who followed feel 10/
foolish and flee rapidly. That has happened over and over again throughout history. Those who burn brightest flame out the quickest. So we must be patient and let the healing occur. We can’t force it. If we rip off the bandages too soon we will take the scabs off and re-open 11/
the wounds. The 57 vote will have been the fatal blow. That is a massive number in historical context and it shows extreme weakness in the coalition. That division is easily exploited and it seems Biden wants to do exactly that by putting bi-partisan, common sense legislation 12/
on the floor for America and Americans. Remember that recent history shows that America tends to flourish greatly under Democratic leadership. We can’t get in the way of that by being consumed with thoughts of retribution. Let’s commit to encouraging prosecutors to seek our 13/
justice. I look forward to the return of competence in governance- not perfection. Competence will be my personal standard for criticism. In the meantime, back to the salt mines for me as we try to run down the international portion of the insurrection & those responsible. 14/14
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