As many of you may know, I’m autistic and I’ve just seen Sia’s new film MUSIC. I don’t want to talk about it because it’s pretty much a total mess but if you are interested in seeing films/TV about autism, I’m gonna use this thread to recommend a few:
HER NAME IS SABINE, dir. Sandrine Bonnaire

A tough watch but an outstanding personal doc from actress Sandrine Bonnaire about her sister Sabine who’s autistic and the flaws regarding France’s health care system in aiding those who are diagnosed.
LIFE, ANIMATED, dir. Roger Ross Williams (ON NETFLIX)

Based on Ron Suskind’s memoir, this is the extraordinary story of his son Owen who learned to communicate through Disney cartoons. Very uplifting but also insightful regarding how some autistic adults adjust to adult life.
THE REASON I JUMP, dir. Jerry Rothwell

Out in the UK in April, this is a wonderful adaptation of Naoki Higashida’s influential book that probably is the closest I’ve seen to cinema replicating the autistic experience. An absolute must-watch!

A great drama series about a family who come to terms with their young son’s diagnosis of autism. Solid supporting cast and a well written script help in driving an engrossing narrative forward.
YELLOW PEPPERS, creat. Keren Margalit

And if you’re looking for the inspiration of The A Word, seek out this equally brilliant Israeli TV show.
N.B. Autism is a vast neurological spectrum so any media portrayal won’t ever be able to fully represent the diverse group of people that encompass it. But I hope this list is helpful to anyone who’s interested in discovering more.
Lastly, here are a few links for more info about autism:

National Autistic Society: 
Ambitious About Autism: 
Autism Radio: 

I hope this thread helps 😊
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