Chief Editor of Hetq, Edit Baghdasaryan who covered both the 2016 april war, and the Second Artsakh War wrote an article. Important points in this thread:
1. It was possible to avoid war, but the authorities were unable to do so. They were not ready to retreat an inch from their populism. So do not look for meaningless excuses and do not blame everything on the army.
2. We had a 30 years old that always did its job. The army was not created in one day. It experienced an exceedingly difficult route. There were many problems, they were robbed, but this does not mean that we did not have an army.
3. I do not justify the current authorities, the Commander-in-Chief. I am convinced that the weapons we had were enough to stop, exhaust the enemy and force it to cease hostilities.
4. If the army had been equipped with "Tor" air defense systems before the attack, the airspace over Karabakh would have been off-limits.
5. Even if new anti-aircraft weapons were brought in quickly in the early days, which, of course, was possible, the war would have had a completely different outcome.
6. "My Step" people did not take the many war signals seriously. There were troop gatherings across the border. Months before the attack engineering work was in full swing for months. But all this was "the issue number thousand" for the government.
7. I am still convinced that if we had known the day and hour of the attack, we would have stopped the enemy on the existing lines. If we had been ready for the first strike, the war would have had a different outcome.
8. Let me give you an example. In the morning of the attack, three drones were hit by our air defense. Why was it not the same in other directions? No one is trying to find out.
9. From my meetings, I have come to the conclusion from that they have not even analyzed the reasons of our defeat. They have not studied the battles of different sectors, the reasons for the losses, the failure of the counterattack.
10. When I’m asked about the reason of our defeat, I immediately answer "ignorance."
11. We had so many victims, wounded and lost Artsakh because of incompetent, ignorant management.
12. There was so much confusion in the management system that even the bulletproof vests could not be delivered to their point.
13. The southern direction was paralyzed. In different sectors, sometimes you could not find out who the commander of a detachment was, what problem a detachment of infantry sent to that area had to solve.
14. Near Sarushen, we saw a detachment that was under the control of Samvel Babayan and was there on his orders. There was another detachment which was sent by Arayik Harutyunyan, and others, conscripts from the Defense Army. These three forces had nothing to do with each other.
15. It was incomprehensible how the Azeri troops were taking the Armenian villages without resistance, why the troops there did not show organized resistance.
16. You could not understand why they (the Defense Army) were shelling some sectors for hours, why the detachment sent there to comb the forest for three days and nights did not have night vision devices.
17. So many questions, and until now no one tries to answer any of them. No one explains how it was possible to hand over Hadrut, why the troops were withdrawn from Sghnakh which opened the way to Shushi.
18. By whose order and why was the army withdrawn from Karin Tak?
19. Why did Nikol Pashinyan, hours before signing the famous document on November 9, write that the fighting for Shushi continues when hours later his caravan, loaded with lies, was about to kneel before Aliyev?
20. And I will never be able to understand why the Chief of the General Staff did not visit the army for 44 days, why he did not set foot in Artsakh.
21. And just like that, without receiving an answer to any of the questions, we destroyed the country's security system, threw Armenia into the arms of the Russians and the Turks, and today we are almost non-existent as a country.
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