Student A lives in off-campus accommodation with four others, who all frequently interact with each other, with no masks or distancing. They are studying remotely with no physical on-campus classes, tutorials, or practical lessons.
They consider this household their "social bubble". Student A works in a small shop most evenings.

Student B lives in a neighbouring off-campus housing estate with three other students who have similar social interactions.
Student B’s partner is a young healthcare worker who lives in another house.

Student B visits A’s house every few days to chat. At this time, household visits are allowed, though public health advice is to minimise social interactions as much as possible
Student A decides to host a gathering of everyone living in the two houses, where they order food and watch a soccer match on television in the living room. Student B and her housemates were wearing masks at first but put them away when the food arrived.
They sit close together and the small gathering lasts about four hours.

Student B develops a small cough the next day, and arranges a swab at a local testing centre. Covid-19 is detected in Student B and she receives the result via text two days later.
She receives a phone call from the contact tracing centre the next day, asking for her close contacts in the 48 hours before her symptoms began. She has identified the six other people at the social gathering and her partner.
The following day, the six close contacts are contacted and booked for a swab at their local testing centre that evening. They all test positive. As a result, Student A has to self-isolate and inform contact tracing of his close contacts at his workplace.
Because his workplace is small, all staff have been identified as close contacts and the workplace has to close for at least 14 days. Student B’s partner has been identified as a close contact, and later tests positive.
However, her partner may have worked while infectious at the healthcare setting, and a number of healthcare workers must now be excluded from work and self-isolate due to being identified as close contacts, leaving the healthcare facility short-staffed.
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