Seeing some folks upset @FenixAmmunition position of not selling ammo to Biden voters who were 100% on team #dontbakethecake a few years ago.

Here’s why that’s strange to me.
There are many who are “2A needs to be solidified and one voice.” This is a narrow view. Like looking through a straw at the world. It ignores that there are many new gun owners who aren’t especially 2A because they see themselves as different from the stereotypical gun owner.
These new, liberal gun owners do not identify with you. They feel they have a right to protection that they would just as soon deny you because of your Right-leaning political views.
Their religion is politics and their altar is MSM/Democratic party dogma. For them, the state is sacred so long as the state is blue. Do I want these people to own guns? It’s not up to me. It’s a natural right to self defense codified by the 2nd.
That does not mean I have to, or will ever see them as allies just because we have gun ownership in common. In a Greek tragedy level of irony, many of them own guns because they have been taught to fear gun owners.
Supporting @FenixAmmunition position to not sell them ammunition is taking the position of active involvement using similar tactics that the left has and continues to use against those who identify as republicans, conservatives, libertarians and constitutionalists.
This actually is a strong position that pro gun individuals should support. If you don’t support it, then you have to be willing to admit you make emotional or ethical exceptions for draconian politics based on nothing but “fairness” or “consumerism.”
We have been reactive for far too long. Constantly on the defensive. We place our faith in “Republican” politicians over and over again and get nothing in return because “politics.” In the era of weaponized media against anything constitutionalist, be prepared to self-rescue.
We are our own advocates for change. The first step in pushing back is to realize that simply owning a gun does not mean we are on the same team as other gun owners. Ownership is a surface issue, not the foundation of political ideology.
I won’t arm my enemy. We should support any company who also isn’t willing to arm their enemy. Recognize that this is no longer a simple divide of political beliefs on the best path forward. We are polarized.
We have compromised almost to a point of no return and still they ask for more. We must begin to say “no” and mean it.
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