judas & the black messiah wasn’t nearly as bad as i expected it to be. i was expecting it to be far worst than it was. but, as most of hollywood productions, it was clearly not a film intended for black people but for white parasitic consumption of black destruction/tragedy.
and it certainly wasn’t a film about hampton, or the panthers. there was not much of any depiction of the “human,” or the complexities of his life/legacy/politics, or really any real human sensibilities despite a few scenes in b/n the tellings of the judas’ internal conflicts :|
i’m just kinda bitter ‘cause i just don’t think we need a film centering an informat, as if we don’t have enough c**ns, snitches, and rats on our tvs and in-power. i just... don’t care. i already knew of this story and w/ a quick google search anyone else could, too.
we don’t even have an official biography of fred hampton’s life out, yet. but, you bet we have an entire multi-million dollar film about the snitch who helped destabilized the organization, while panthers *still* rot in prison and/or are suffering & poor ‘til this day!
nobody has been held accountable for the anti-black terror, violence, and death that we are quite literally still feeling the wrath of—from the generation of revolutionaries we lost due to anti-black & anti-communist terror—but thank you, warner brothers/hollywood, for the film!
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