Wanna talk relationships?

Remember the time you were begging for femfreq funds while taking a lavish vacation only mere weeks before announcing a European speaking tour (do you still get 20k+ per speech?), all while your long time cohost/friend was struggling to stay afloat? https://twitter.com/anitasarkeesian/status/1360625649245847553
But @anitasarkeesian, I’ll toss you a bone. It’s not your job to use your vast wealth to keep friends afloat, but if you wanna bring up influencers/audiences, let’s focus on yours, shall we?
Cuz I remember when you gave Zoe Quinn’s Crash Override Network (CON 🤨) a large sum of money. Within 2 years the whole thing failed, but not before workers at the organization spoke of lack of pay & other problems. Perhaps this could be written off as baseless accusations, but..
Real or not, many of the people who lobbed accusations CON’s way were mercilessly bullied by yours and Quinn’s audience. This has been well documented & it happened to anyone who was critical of you, employee or not.

Don’t believe me about your audience’s abuse? Ask @redlianak
Now that we’ve got all that out of the way @anitasarkeesian. If we still wanna talk about influencer accountability, let’s discuss your relationship with Zoe Quinn. You’ve given her funds, traveled the world with her, spoken at events with her, and oh so much more.
That influence you as an influencer helped give her, allowed her to successfully fund a Kickstarter campaign in 2016. She’s got a nice 85k from the project that at the time of its funding was supposedly just months away from launching...
Fast forward to 2021 & the game isnt out, & the last time she addressed the very people who gave her 85k, all she had to say was that she couldn’t afford to finish it, all while vacationing in Japan & donating money toward’s other friend’s projects, no less. That was 899 days ago
You see @anitasarkeesian, you can talk all you want about accountability, but you help breed the worst of the worse. You enable scammers & you have a weaponized audience no different than the rest

What was the Crash Override acronym again? Oh yeah, CON.

I see you, Anita.
Oops. I forgot, one more thing:
"...anyone with a significant following do not get to simply throw their hands up and say well I didn’t directly tell them to harass anyone and therefore I am not responsible...

teehee, just kidding. Rules for thee but not for mee"

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