Rewatching Man of Steel (haven't watched it in a long time) now and I'm up to the point where Clark finds the scout ship, and so far the only problem I have with the movie is the constant zoom-in shots in from the action scenes. I mean for all the criticisms people have about him
not saving people in this movie, he literally saved oil rig workers and their helicopter, he stepped in when a woman was being sexually harassed, he saved his class and his class bully from drowning, then saves Lois in the scout ship. But he doesn't smile every 6 seconds, so I
guess it's bad..? And when Pa Kent says "maybe" when young Clark asks what he should've done, it's because he literally does not have the answers, he fears his son will be persecuted. He didn't flat out say "no, don't save them next time." Oh, but he broke an asshole's truck
(again, before he he became the Superman) while not smiling, so again, it's bad and negates everything else that just happened in the movie.
Literally this movie is about his journey to becoming the Superman, who we see a year and a half later in BvS. It's essentially Superman Begins. The story was even written by Christopher Nolan. Remember him?
Why was it okay to show that new version of Bruce Wayne's progression into a Batman but not okay to show this Clark Kent's journey into becoming Superman? If you complain about Man of Steel, you should really be complaining about Batman Begins, too.
And him not saving Pa Kent in the tornado is what I said above, it's Pa Kent afraid for his son being persecuted; which again, we see happen in BvS but he still makes the choices to save people when he is the Superman.
It's similar to Spider-Man. Peter made the choice not stop the mugger and Uncle Ben died, it haunted him and it's what made him become Spider-Man. Clark heeded to the choice Jonathan made in that moment and it effected him later to do good and save others. I mean later on he
saves Lex Luthor, the man who stole his mother and almost had her killed, pushed Lois from a building and created this monster, pitted him against Batman, had people killed in jail, from being punched into oblivion by Doomsday in BvS.
Oh, and for clarification, you know that terrorist that had Lois in the beginning of BvS that Superman tackled? Zack Snyder confirmed that he did not kill him. So try again if you're thinking of that as an example.
Clark peacefully surrenders himself to the army and even lets himself be handcuffed so they'd feel more secure. But hey, this isn't a good Superman because... I don't even fucking know, at this point.
"You can save them, Kal. You can save all of them."
"You are weak, son of El. Unsure of yourself."
The planes fire on Clark, one of the Kryptonians throws a van at the helicopter, a pilot falls out and Clark saves him and asks if he's okay. Then he saves the guy who was in the knife fight with Faora. I thought he didn't save anyone in this movie.
"For every one you save, we will kill a million more." Important line for later.
So Clark isn't even in Metropolis yet when the World Engine starts up and starts destroying.
And he's going to the Indian Ocean one because he can get there the fastest and has a better chance of destroying it, while the army works to destroy the one in Metropolis as best they can until he's done with the other one. And the problem here is..?
I love when people say "so many people in Metropolis die" they leave out the fact that Clark isn't there, he's trying to destroy the World Engine on the other side of the planet. Correct if I'm wrong, but one of Superman's powers is not to be in two places at once.
And this World Engine he's fighting is fighting back and changing the Earth's atmosphere, so it's not as simple as "I'm Superman, let me just punch it in one go." Context is a thing.
Clark using all of his inner strength to destroy the World Engine as it crashes down him is like 100% a Superman thing, the fuck did people complain about about this movie?
And now Clark is back quick and helping take out the Kryptonians. People like to say that because the city was destroyed it's a bad Superman movie. As if ships and a team of bad Kryptonians aren't gonna do any damage.
Okay so Zod's crew on the plane are sucked back into the Phantom Zone and then the portal and Phantom Drive and ship are all destroyed. This is very important for later.
So now Zod is going to stop at nothing to make the humans suffer because his chance at reviving Krypton are gone. And he can't be sent into the Phantom Zone because there isn't a way to do that. What the fuck was Clark supposed to do, honestly? And it wasn't like he just
flippantly killed him, he gave him a chance to stop. He pleaded with him to stop. He had to make a hard choice.
Again, right at the scene, tell me - the fuck was Clark supposed to do? The Phantom Drive is gone. Nothing can apprehend Zod (meaning you can't really put him in jail), he'll stop at nothing and Clark pleaded with him to stop because he didn't want to kill him, then the kill
haunts him. What the fuck did people want Clark to do? He had a choice and had to make a hard choice that still ended up saving not only that family but the rest of the world since Earth is not equipped to keep Kryptonians under arrest. People are mad that he had to make a hard
Clark then chooses to trust humanity at the end even though they're still cautious of him (smiling as he does so, so there you go).
And then the movie literally ends with him smiling.
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