Now that I had the chance to calm down, here's my thoughts about what happened. Like many of you I'm disappointed with the senate Dem leaders decision to not allow witnesses when we had the chance, it's important to remember that the likelihood of a conviction was low. Thread
1: with 45's sycophants being part of the jury, no matter what the witnesses said and evidence presented. Asking them to do the right thing was pointless
The GQP is so dependent on DJT, and specifically his base that they weren't going to do anything to lose those group of voters.. getting 17 Republicans to support dems on this endeavor was a lost cause anyway
With that said, the optics doesn't look good. By not allowing witnesses, the GOP will act like they have impunity to do whatever they want without consequences now because certain Dems won't do anything to hold them accountable and that's not the message we want to send our base
That's why we need to clean house and vote out the weaker members of the party next year... R's aren't the only ones up for re-election in the midterms. Being passive-aggressive with trumplicans does us no good especially when we have majority control.. we got to be tougher
But remember, all hope is not loss, DJT is still looking at criminal/civil charges courtesy of the Attorney General offices in GA, NY and DC.. one way or another he will be held accountable for his actions. We have to stay calm and let @TishJames @KarlRacineDC do their thing
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