
"Trump incited violence"

Fact: Trump told rally goers to go "peacefully" to the Capitol

Fact: Rioters had already breached the Capitol before Trump was even halfway done speaking

Fact: Court documents show clear evidence the attack was pre-planned by outside groups

"Trump didn't request any guards"

Fact: Trump requested 10,000 National Guardsmen on Jan. 5

Fact: DC Mayor was offered backup presence and declined due to optics, sent letter of refusal for assistance on Jan. 5th and only approved some-300 extra LE for traffic control
Fact: On January 3rd, DC Mayor sent out a caution to "Washingtonians", urging them to not be downtown Jan. 5&6, and also adding, "we will do what we must to ensure all who attend remain peacful"
Fact: DC Mayor's January 3rd statement, claiming she will do what she must to ensure peace, conflicts with her denial of additional law enforcement, the day before the rioting occured.
Fact: Capitol Police were also then offered additional assistance on January 6th, before the situation had even got completely out of hand, and they declined, according to initial reports from AP

"Trump didn't condemn the violence"

Fact: Trump posted a video to Twitter and YouTube on January 6th, telling everyone to be peaceful and go home. The video was taken down by Twitter and YouTube almost immediately. The video is still available from other channels online.
Fact: The very next day, January 7th, Trump condemned the violence in a speech, which was broadcast nationally and posted on Twitter and Youtube via his personal account, his campaign's account, the white house account, and several other sources.

"Trump supporters killed a Capitol Police Officer"


CNN & several other outlets falsely reported the cause of death, which had not yet been determined (&still has yet to be released). CNN added an "edit", & others have now retracted their initial story w/the claim
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