Good morning sports fans 😎

Yep #BallsOnly is back! Sorry about the long hibernation, but to be frank, spending hours every Sunday morning screenshotting how badly Australian media treat #WomenInSport is pretty depressing & after a few years, well, it gets you down 😞
Anyhoo! Might start this session with a bit of rage thanks to @BeccaHayne 😉

I had forgotten how prescient parents could be with "AFLW Girlfriend" being such a popular girls name back in the 1990's & 2000's 🙄

Good of our #BallsOnly media to remind us 🤬
Sadly our very first Sunday sports splash for 2021 is a totally #BallsOnly @brisbanetimes 0/10 😡

#WomenInSport #Diversity What even is that? 🙄
Your regular reminder that with @10Daily no longer active, @tensporttv does not have a 'sports news' area as such and only promotes their own sporting shows, which of course, don't feature any #WomenInSport at all.

Yes, in 2021 still not interested in showing #WomenInSport 😞
YAY! finally an #AFLW sighting on the slightly less #BallsOnly @abcnews @abcgrandstand @abcsport Sunday splash 3/11 #WomenInSport

🎾 Ash Barty the last Aussie standing at Australian Open...

btw sensational action hero shot for that piece 👍🏼
SIGH! a totally #BallsOnly @TheRoarSports Sunday sports splash 0/11 😡

#WomenInSport #Diversity What even is that? 🙄
New addition to #BallsOnly list of @innersanctum_au who like Roar Sports have an awful lot of contributor content 👍🏼 except not quite as blokey & not scared of #WomenInSport 😉

Check them out 
Less #BallsOnly @innersanctum_au Sunday sports splash 6/14 #WomenInSport

🏐 Pulse's 'competitive culture' paving the way for success

btw lovely hero shot on that piece 👍🏼
Same #WomenInSport pieces in slightly less #BallsOnly @smh @SMHsport sports splash 2/10

🎾 No-fuss Barty casts off injury cloud, cruises into fourth round

🏏 Perry playing the long game with injury recovery 'more art than science'
I've been told cheerleading is a sport, so, yeah it interrupts a #BallsOnly @dailytelegraph Sunday sports splash 1/6 #WomenInSport

📣 NRL cheerleaders hit back: 'You're demeaning women'
Tennis of a different flavour interrupts a pretty #BallsOnly @MSNAustralia Sunday sports splash 1/11 #WomenInSport

🎾 Watson believes Wimbledon should use HawkEye instead of line judges
Sadly a totally #BallsOnly @TheNTNews Sunday sports splash 0/8 😞

#WomenInSport #Diversity What even is that? 🙄
Thank Dog for Ash Barty as #WomenInSport managed to achieve double figures in this Sunday's #BallsOnly session which is a rare feat 😳

32 our of 194 pieces = 16.49% representation

Still kind of sad that even Barty's brilliance & some excellent AFLW can't get us over 20% 😞
Soooo in case you were interested...

If we take Barty out of today's #BallsOnly session stats - not that Barty should ever be discounted 😉 but just for interests sake we don't hit double figures for #WomenInSport sadly

no Barty 16 out of 178 for 9.0% representation
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