1. For people mad at Dems. Can we try to understand how politics (not justice) works? Here are some things: the Dems simply wanted the phone call information to be added to the record. They threatened to call witnesses as a negotiation tactic - thus getting the Republicans to
2. do what the Dems originally wanted - enter the phone call on the record. If witnesses were called - the trial would have gone on for weeks - in the middle of a pandemic when relief HAS to be sent out now. And Merrick Garland has to be confirmed so the DOJ can get to work.
3. However, I WANT WITNESSES CALLED. I want them to have such explosive testimony that the whole world once again knows what it knows - that Trump is guilty. I want more Republican Senators to change their mind and vote to convict. The problem is? We would NEVER GET 17 to do so.
4. It fucking SUCKS. It SUCKS that the Democrats can't just call witnesses and make the Republican Senators appear to the world even more cowardly than they were - hearing that testimony and STILL voting to acquit. BUT that's the fantasy version where the media doesn't once again
5. start blaming Dems during this fantasy-witness-calling-trial for not getting Covid relief out, etc. The issue here is that NO MATTER WHAT - if Trump himself with Jesus back from the dead as his witness says, "I did it" the Republicans will acquit. The issue is that the GOP
6. has been hijacked by a conspiracy theory continent who are beholden to voters who believe in Q-Anon. The Dems are once again damned if they and damned if they don't. They're trying to move ahead to get Americans the relief they need - and get the DOJ moving (which can help
7. get Trump & Co. in other ways....) I don't like it anymore than anyone else but I understand it. We have midterms to win in 2022 because we are still saving our democracy. We are still in the "fight" of our lives - we didn't go into some safe zone just because Biden won.
8. We have to look ahead at what they'll use against us in midterms. MOST people are not on Twitter. Most people are not nuanced. Most people are Independent or wishy-washy Dems. Republicans are LOCK STEP even in insanity. So, that being said - most people will be easily swayed
9. in 2022 with the argument that when Dems had the House/Senate/Presidency - they stalled on Covid relief in order to try to convict an already out of office president and people will FALL FOR IT. Most people DO NOT understand this notion that if we convict we can actually
10. future hate groups/conspiracy theory fueled militias from attacking their own govt. But we are stuck right now DUE THE THE GOP & NO ONE ELSE. The GOP put us here. NO ONE ELSE. We are trying to stay in power so that we can do what you think calling witnesses would've done.
11. So just relax and try to understand the impossible task of having to think politically and realistically and stop making Putin happy by tearing down your own party in a totally reactionary way.
12. I am as devastated as anyone else that witnesses are not being called but I can see that my devastation is based in the FANTASY of what I think would happen if witnesses are called. But again - call me a white supremacist and go off. It's Twitter.
13. Another helpful thread so people don't work themselves up into a frenzy today at the wrong party. The REPUBLICANS ARE TO BLAME. PERIOD. https://twitter.com/HowardA_Esq/status/1360661103513112576?s=20
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