Kick off of the citizen-led petition to put dismantling and replacing the Minneapolis Police Department on the November ballot. At Moon Palace Books just a block from the burned out Third Precinct Police
Council Member Cam Gordon showed up to sign the petition. Filmed until my phone shut down from the cold ... -4 degrees
Spoke to Julia Johnson, a community organizer who is volunteering helping people sign the petition. (Interview in 3 parts)
The citizen-led petition (read here: ) says the city may employ “peace officers if necessary.” I asked Julia when she thinks peace officers are necessary (pt. 2)
Julia says day to day when she sees police officers she gets tense and afraid for her and her son (pt. 3)
I saw a couple city council candidates here (all 13 seats are on the ballot this November) including @robin4mpls (running against @CameronAGordon) and @aishaforward10
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