The education threshold: 1/

Focusing on educator's physical and mental health used to be taboo. 🤫

Embedding Art into STEM curriculum, creating a holistic STEAM learning model, used to be considered "gimmicky." 🙄

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What's next?
The education threshold 2/

Closing the gap between industry & education:

The four-year university narrative is crumbling. In fact, it's impact has severely hurt more students than we'd like to admit.
The education threshold 3/

How we measure student and school success predicated on the four-year college track model has helped widen the chasm of the no-longer-looming (it's on us!) skilled-trade labor shortfall crisis and will significantly impact our economic development.
The education threshold 4/

Partnering with @TN_Pathways and connecting our industry partners with students through our pre-apprenticeship program is a MAJOR move in combating the labor shortfall crisis while LITERALLY changing lives of the students/communities we serve.
The education threshold 5/

In education we talk about "beginning with the end in mind." Too often we disagree on what that "END" is. If it's preparing productive, critical-thinkers for a developing world then we must attach a tangible, sustainable goal: like a viable career.
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