Listen, aging is fcuking expensive. These LTC homes where people are dying left and right cost upwards of $5K/ today's dollars. 1/8
Take the time now to plan how you are going to maintain your care when you're older. Are you relying on your kids to take care of you? Have the convo with them now. And start putting money aside to assist with the cost of your care. 2/8
Because let me tell you, your kids may have to rearrange their entire lives in order to care for you. In-home nurses, retrofitting a home, moving altogether...that sh*t costs money. 3/8
My mom and I talked about this in the 90s just after she took early retirement. She always said that if I needed to put her in a home, I could. Her willingness to do that was a blessing but I knew then that it would be a cold day in Hades before I put her in a home. 4/8
As an only child, that means that I am solely responsible for advocating for my mom and coordinating her care. She lives with me because quite frankly, I need eyes on her at all times because she thinks she grown. 😁 5/8
I am part of a circle of friends (all women) who are primary caregivers for our mothers. We rely on each other for info and support, like shuttling moms to appts. Because if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to "raise" the elders too. 6/8
So depending on where you live, check into LTC insurance products. Have a family discussion to agree on a care plan for elders and who will be primarily responsible. Put some 💰 into savings if you can. Get your powers of attorney in order. Please don't put this off. 7/8
Shout out to all the (primarily) women who do the heavy lifting of caring for elders at great expense to their health and wealth each and every day. I see you. I AM you. Sending you strength and love. 8/8
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